Saturday 16 April 2016

What I Got For My Birthday

Hello again!

So this time I'm coming to you a year older and pretty much none the wiser! Last weekend was my 25th birthday and I was very spoilt with a spa day at Champneys Springs and two lovely meals out with my family and boyfriend... what more could a girl want!

Khaki Bomber - River Island, Culottes - New Look, Orange Courts - Primark

I'd like to start by making the point that this post isn't meant to be a brag or me 'showing off' what I got for my birthday, all I know is that I'm incredibly nosy and I love to see what other people get for their birthday or Christmas so it gives me ideas of what I can get others or ask for myself in the future.

Also, I don't know about you but, all year I have a list as long as my arm of things I'm lusting after but the minute someone asks me what I'd like for Christmas or my birthday I can't think of a thing! So hopefully if you're like me and you need a bit of inspiration or are just plain nosy, you'll find this post reasonably interesting or inspiring. If I know where items are from I've written this underneath :)

Adidas Superstars - Office

Yes, I'm another person on the Adidas bandwagon... The story behind these beauties is that I bought a knock off pair from a market in Bangkok for about £5 and it turns out, you do get what you pay for. These are hands down the comfiest shoes I own and so far I've managed to keep them white!

Black leather journal and pens - Paperchase.

Who doesn't love new stationary?! I have to admit I do feel pretty sophisticated with a leather journal...

Right, is it just me, or are Haribo Giant Strawberries the best thing ever?? It was always a family tradition at Christmas that my Dad would get me a big box of these but as we were in Thailand last Christmas, the tradition was sadly broken. Luckily my gem of a boyfriend not only bought a huge stash of strawbs, he also bought a cute glass jar to put them in.

As you may know, myself and Dave are currently in the process of buying our first house and you may also know that I'm slightly obsessed with all things copper. So imagine my delight when I unwrapped these little dishes/tealight holders (I'm not actually sure what they are!) from my Mum. The copper obsession grows.

Holdall - River Island

You know those girls you see on the train or the bus struggling to carry multiple bulging overnight bags because they cannot pack light... well that's me. Even if I'm only going somewhere for one night, I have to bring my entire wardrobe, make-up and toiletry collection "just in case". So my mother got me this perfectly sized holdall from River Island that can hold pretty much everything for my overnight stays. It feels really well-made, comes with a long strap to chuck over your shoulder and also has a pretty fabulous design.  

Rose Golden Brush Set Vol 3 - Zoeva Cosmetics

Just look at these brushes. Even if you're not really into make-up, just look at them. How gorgeous are they! I've been lusting after some Zoeva brushes for a while now and I must have dropped enough virtual hints (I'm talking Instagram posts) and I finally got the most beautiful rose gold set! They are really great quality and come with a leather clutch bag to keep them in. They're almost too good to use.

Rose Gold Half Star Ring - Lucy Williams North Star Collection for Missoma

So if i had to choose, this would probably be my favourite present... I definitely let out a squeal when I unwrapped this Missoma box! If you haven't heard of them, Missoma is a small London based jewellery company that creates the most beautiful delicate pieces, in particular, their collaborations with blogger Lucy Williams are just stunning! I don't wear many rings as they tend to irritate me but this one isn't going to leave my finger. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, I definitely enjoyed reliving my birthday weekend! Let me know what's going to be on your birthday wish lists!

Until next time,

Jade x

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